#  Položka Popis  linka
 1  Predstavenie    2019_05
 2 Príspevok do vedomostnej databázy  Japonský manažment 2019_05_KM
 3  Základné informácie o projekte    2019_P5



Team Members

<11><Viktor Lančarič>

Role: Developer



Purpose of this project is to design and implement a system that will be able to detect fall detection. It will be an IOT device build on embedded systems. Its main purpose is to automatically detect person´s fall and handle false-positive scenarios, in case the wearable system itself has fallen. Measured data will be sent using low energy LoRa network. In that case the energy consumption should be as low as possible for a battery to last longer.


Individual Visions

To create usable and helpful product.


Team Vision

To work together, get to know each other and collaborate on a great product.


Team Mission

Since, number of fall injuries is rising. According to 2012 statistics of EUROSTAT, 60% of population in the EU over 60 have experienced a fall injury. People tend to be less confident when moving after first incident. We cannot catch a person while falling. However, as person is not able to call for help, we can help the person to be noticed by its surrounding online or offline.



Design carefully, before development.


End Customer

Every person that wants to be safe.


Goals and  Expectations

We plan to create a fall detector that would handle false-positive scenarios and is able to work offline with minimal energy consumption.


Solution Description


Project Roadmaps


Reached Results



C programming, Firmware development, Basics in electronics


Positive experiences

We have been developing Breyslet for more than 8 month.


Potential for improvements

Battery life, waterproofing

  • Návštevy: 919