My name is Maroš and this is a page that was prepared as of a short presentation about me so a visitor can know who is he reading from. At the time of this writing (January 2021) I'm almost 23 years old and study Engineering - Cybersecurity - at FIIT STU. I take part in historical reenactment of the 9th century Europe. Great Moravia and Frankia. Here is a photo of me.

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That was it / about me / lets look at the project.


The project I was working at was strongly influenced by the ongoing pandemic of the year 2020, so we could not meet with each other which slowed the learning process of Enterprise architect and forced everyone of us to be more self dependent. Teachers were trying to do their best, but everyone knows how staying at home and not having not enough movement can affect your performance (not only physical but also mental). Thus I leave it upon the viewer to be the judge whether is this project sufficionary or not. Everything is ready to be 3D printed, code is written, only the components like Raspberry, ... are not available.

Projekt: Robotic tortoise model with sensors

Autor: Maroš Čergeť


Project export I was working at during the winter semester 2020/2021. Export generated from Enterprise Architect. 

Link to the whole tortoise EA project7Ds- Sensoric Tortoise ( 

YouTube video: 


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