- Návštevy: 613
Hi, my name is Jozef. I am 22 years old. I come from eastern Slovakia.
I gain my knowledge from 2 sources:
- work - I work as junior data scientist at smaller Slovak company, called ableneo,
- school - I am student at STU FIIT. I am currently in my first year of my master's degree.
I've got many hobbies in my life. The basic ones include:
- meditation - Thanks to maditation I feel more relaxed and I can make better decisions,
- swimming - super sport in general, It is exercise for whole body and you do not have to lift some heavy weights,
- book reading - this hobby brings me new information and knowledge. It is also one type of relax for me. Last book i read was "Učeň ľadu, 6 dní s Wimom Hofom."
I picked subject SMVIT based on advice of my friend, who evaluates this subject as one of the best ones, which we can choose during our studies at FIIT STU.
I worked on my project with student s12 (Kamil Macek).
P18 Smart Brewery
Team Members:
S18 Adam Sninčák
Role: programmer, tester
S20 Martin Stratiot
Role: architect, programmer
SmartBrew will contain multiple sensors, actuators and other electronic units in order to not only provide visualization and control for the brewer, but also implement a mechanism for automation of the brewing process based on configurable recipe. Architecture of the system will consist of multiple layers, specifically:
A layer providing interface between the system core and other hardware components (sensors and actuators). This layer (from now on referred to as the edge layer) will consist of multiple modules, based on ESP32 development kits. Each module will be used to communicate with a specific model of device (e.g. specific sensor) and will be connected wirelessly to the system core using MQTT protocol. Each module can serve multiple devices of the same model. If needed, any module will be connected to required converters and expansion boards. Module firmware updates will be possible to distribute over-the-air (OTA updates).
A layer providing core functionality - system core, which will consist of a database server and automation engine. Configuration of connected hardware, modules and recipes will be stored in the database, as well as all readings and measurements from connected modules.
Final layer will represent a graphical user interface. It will be implemented as a web front-end application and will be used for SCADA-like control, visualization and recipe configuration, as well as timeseries chart visualization of the brewing process indicators (e.g. temperature trends).
Individual Visions During this class, we will work on developing the first part of automated smart beer brewer (SmartBrew).
Team Vision
During this class, we will work on developing the first part of automated smart beer brewer (SmartBrew). A layer providing interface between the system core and other hardware components (sensors and actuators).
Team Mission
Craft Beer.
SmartBrew will contain multiple sensors, actuators and other electronic units in order to not only provide visualization and control for the brewer, but also implement a mechanism for automation of the brewing process based on configurable recipe. Architecture of the system will consist of multiple layers.
End Customer
Home breweries.
Goals and Expectations
This project will focus on implementing the edge layer modules. It will be necessary to design the module firmwares, MQTT APIs and hardware connections, and consider all the necessary converters and other miscellaneous electronics used, as well as program each module separately (although core of the firmware will be the same for every module). Therefore the estimated time needed for this project is 10 hours a week (by each one of us). Output of this project should be fully working and tested firmware for every module. For each developed module a prototype deployed and connected to real hardware will be provided.
Solution Description
functional requirements:
• temperature measurement
• motor control
• heater control
non-functional requirement:
• modularity
• scalability
• reliability
• ESP32
• Raspberry pi
• H300
• DS18B20
• HW655
Project Roadmaps
September: Architecture
October: Sensors
November: Implementation
December: Implementation and testing
January: Prototype
Expected Effort
5 hours a week (by each one of us)
Strana 3 z 4